Vitor Mondo has earned a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy (2003) and a Ph.D. in Seed Technology (2010), both degrees awarded from the University of São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura ´Luiz de Queiroz´. Has developed his professional career in Brazilian Agriculture, in the business innovation area, with a strong emphasis on technology transfer. Has spearheaded numerous successful strategic initiatives on several fronts, including R&D portfolio management, intellectual property, licensing and commercialization of technologies, and in open innovation and entrepreneurship for both Brazilian and international agribusinesses. In 2012, initiated his career at Embrapa as a researcher, having the opportunity to contribute in different managing positions in innovation and entrepreneurship, including the position of Secretary of Innovation and Business, and Manager of Embrapa´s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) in Brasília. Since early 2019, he is located in Campinas/SP, where has conducted several agriculture open innovation and entrepreneurship projects. Recently, since mid-2020, began to be part of Embrapa Digital Agriculture´s Innovation Team, working diligently on establishing a productive innovation environment, as well as an innovative culture centered on open innovation and value delivery to society.
Vitor Mondo
Head of Technology Transfer Embrapa Digital Agriculture
Vitor Mondo
Head of Technology Transfer Embrapa Digital Agriculture